From 1 - 3 October, take part in this year's national Fun Palaces weekend with us online at Forest Arts Centre, by completing activities on the virtual postcards below - once you have finished your activity why not print it off, add a stamp and send it onto a friend, or swap with someone else? Don't forget to share your Fun Palace experiences by tagging us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter too!
What is Fun Palaces?
Fun Palaces is an ongoing national and international campaign, nurturing and supporting the potential and positivity of sharing people’s enthusiasms, passions and skills with their own local community.
The postcards
These virtual postcards include activity instructions, created either by us at Forest Arts Centre, an art tutor, other Hampshire Cultural Trust sites or our volunteers! Some have even been designed by our Crafty Kids Club, inviting residents of New Milton to be creative, learn new skills and share old ones - save, print, complete and share the postcards below (follow some of the links for more information)...
Making and doing postcards

Make a blanket:

Wellbeing and fitness postcards


#TinyRevolutions postcards
We're sharing practical suggestions; tiny steps that anyone can take to connect a little more with the local community, or to simply pass time creatively. These steps are both online and offline – while a great deal of connection is moving online right now, this is not available to everyone and we want Fun Palaces, as ever, to be for anyone who wants to connect. If you have a Tiny Revolution you wish to share, send it to Fun Palaces at - make sure to keep it brief!
Story exchange:

Skill exchange:

Drawing Challenge:

Nature rainbow:

Make a window gallery:

Colour Character:

Draw a panda:

Water colours:


Make your own activity postcard
Have you got a different activity you wish to share? Save, print and write on the back of the free New Milton Big Picture Post Card below...

We believe we can do this together, locally, with radical fun – and that anyone, anywhere, can make a Fun Palace! – Fun Palace Manifesto
We would love to get your feedback! Let us know how you found our online fun palaces using the form here - thank you.