Behind #ArtsventCalendar door three...

This National Make A Gift Day, create beautiful marble coasters, perfect to give as Christmas gifts or to brighten your home this festive season! These handmade coasters are unique and easy to make with very little mess, ideal for families to do together...
All you need:
- Oven bake clay
- Clay glaze
- Cork Coasters
- Rolling pin or bottle
- Super glue
- Baking paper
- Sanding paper
- Optional stencils and sharpies
Ready to make? Here we go...
Step-by-step guide:
Step 1. Prepare your station - make sure you protect the work surface and use a chopping board.
Step 2. Choose your colours for the first coaster, three or four colours work well and use any combination you like. Roll each colour into a ball and then into a small sausage shape.
Step 3. Order the coloured sausage shapes on the chopping board, one on top of the other, making sure the colours are spread equally.
Step 4. Roll and twist the colours together to create the marble affect.
Step 5. Once you are happy, roll it all into a ball. Top tip: make sure you don’t over twist or the colours will all merge together!
Step 6. Use the rolling pin to roll out the clay - try and aim for 6mm of thickness.
Step 7. Using the cork coaster, cut out the coaster shape and transfer them to a baking tray. Bake for 30 minutes on 200 degrees.
Step 8. Remove from the oven and let them cool.
Step 9. Sand the shape to make smooth and glue to the cork coaster.
Step 10. Decorate the coaster with stencils and sharpies. Why not add the initials of the person you would like to gift to.
Step 11. Finish off my glazing.
If you're able to share your creations, let us see what you make by tagging @forestarts_nm, @ashcroftarts and @westendcentre on Instagram with #ArtsventCalendar!
Continue the countdown to Christmas with us on Instagram, or right here on Culture on Call!
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