Lockdown: Open Up Again

We really valued hearing from you during the first lockdown, so we’re here again to ask the same question: how are you?

Tell us how you feel, what your thoughts are or where your head’s at today. We’re collecting your responses and sharing them with the world so that your words and images can connect with others. Whether you’re worried and struggling, or upbeat and chipper, reach out and say something. Many of us will be feeling the same way.

We’re capturing the highs and the lows, gathering public thoughts and mood for posterity. Our aim is to record and eventually display what you tell us and to invite artists and creatives to respond, too, using your contributions to make artworks reflecting our shared experience. Whether one word or one hundred, a sketch or a photo, however you want to get involved is ok by us. It’s a chance to share, connect and come together, as best we can. Now’s the time to open up.

This time, we are also asking your views on which objects we should collect for our museums to tell stories about Hampshire during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Your thoughts are being published here on cultureoncall.com, on our Facebook page and other social channels. Click here to see previous submissions.

How to submit

Please open up by submitting your thoughts below. Alternatively, click here.

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Terms and Conditions

1. Submissions to Lockdown: Open Up again will be published on cultureoncall.com and Hampshire Cultural Trust social media channels. Submissions may be used at a future date to form part of a curated exhibition, display, catalogue or any other interpretation by Hampshire Cultural Trust

2. Hampshire Cultural Trust reserves the right to moderate all content submitted. Any content deemed unsuitable will not be published.

3. We respect privacy and will only publish pictures including a person or people as their subject where that person or people are either not wholly identifiable or have given explicit permission for Hampshire Cultural Trust to use their image. We may contact you to confirm this permission if required.

4. We ask you to supply your first name and where you live to publish with your submission. We respect your privacy and will not publish any further identifying personal data with your submission, nor we will share any personal data with any third parties.

5. We will not publish your submission unless you give us permission to do so.

6. By granting Hampshire Cultural Trust permission to use your submission, you allow us to use it in its original format or edited or altered in any way in all and any media or iteration without limitation, and release Hampshire Cultural Trust from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of the submission, including receipt of payment or any other compensation.

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Our venues are safe and inclusive spaces that provide great cultural experiences at the heart of our communities and connect everyone to Hampshire’s rich heritage.We welcome over 700,000 visitors to our venues each year and also work with over 2,000 people annually who are vulnerable or who otherwi…
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Hampshire Cultural Trust

From museums to galleries to arts centres, we manage and support attractions across the county, welcoming over 740,000 people each year. Our charitable purpose is changing lives through culture.
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