This week, Tino and his friends decide to have a teddy bear's picnic - but will rain and ants spoil their fun? Find out how they get on, then have fun with our Teddy Tales Picnic Puzzles activity sheet!
The red and white checked cloth was carefully laid out on the grass. Tino, Tilly, Rupert and Roberta each took a corner to straighten it, then Pickles placed the basket in the centre and the five bears sat in a circle around it.
Pickles reached towards the top of the basket, undid the strap and lifted the lids which opened like a bird’s wings.
‘Ooohhh,’ chorused the Gang of Four as the contents of the picnic basket were revealed. China plates, tea cups and saucers, a jug, a pot – even knives, forks and spoons! All in perfect teddy bear size, these were ideal for the sandwiches, fruit, cake and drink that Bill had prepared for their outdoor lunch.
Pickles handed out the plates and cutlery, Tino poured the drinks into the cups held by Rupert, Roberta cut the cake into neat slices and Tilly prepared the fruit.
Mumbles of ‘thank you … could you pass … mmmmm … this is delicious,’ soon died away as the bears tucked into their feast. When they had finished the sandwiches and fruit, Roberta reached for the cake to pass it around.
‘Oh my goodness!’ she cried. ‘The cake! It’s gone… well, going…’
The bears were puzzled at what Roberta could mean. A cake couldn’t move! Leaning forward they spotted a trail of ants, busy carrying the bears’ cake away in an orderly line! The ants had broken it into crumbs, bigger than themselves, and were lifting and balancing the crumbs before transporting them away!
Pickles began to cry.
‘That was my favourite lemon drizzle cake,’ he sobbed. ‘Bill made it this morning especially for our picnic lunch.’
‘Pickles stop crying, you’re making my sleeve all wet!’ snapped Tino.
‘That’s not Pickles!’ cried Tilly. ‘It’s raining!’
As if the sky was crying with Pickles, large raindrops began to fall, plip, plop, on the bears and their picnic.
‘Oh no! Hurry!’ Together they re-packed Pickles’ picnic basket and dashed indoors.
‘That was the worst picnic, ever,’ grumbled Rupert. ‘We didn’t get to eat our cake, and then we got wet. It was supposed to be fun.’
Unknown to the five bears, Bill had spotted their bad luck from the window.
‘Come in here,’ Bill called from the lounge. ‘And bring your picnic basket!’
They went in, Pickles carrying the basket. There they found Bill, a freshly baked fruit cake in his hands.
‘Now all we need is a red and white checked cloth to sit on, some plates and cutlery. Do you know where we might find any?’ Bill laughed as Pickles opened up the basket and they all sat on the cloth to enjoy their indoor picnic.
Teddy Tales Picnic Puzzles
Have fun with our picnic picture puzzles and wordsearch.
Tino, Tilly, Roberta and all of Bill’s collection of 269 bears will soon be moving into a new home at Mr Simpson’s Teddy Bear Museum in Milestones Museum. Find out how we’re getting the bears ready for their move.
Tino's Tales was made by Mark Fenton, Ruth James, Caroline Johnson, Helen Sinnamon and Nick Suffolk
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