Tino's Tales: Team Tino

The bear friends face the challenge of a fun adventure assault course and learn about teamwork along the way. Read on to find out about their adventurous day out, then have fun with our Teddy Tales activity sheet.

‘I don’t like heights!’ worried Tino.

‘My balance isn’t very good,’ frowned Tilly.

‘I can’t reach!’ exclaimed Roberta.

‘I don’t want to get dirty,’ Rupert complained.

Lord Meight sighed. He had hoped that the bears would love the challenge of an adventure assault course, so he’d chosen Aldershot Military Museum when it was his turn to pick a destination for a day out with Bill and the bears.

He had tried everything he could think of to coax the bears to try the activities – they looked so much fun to him. He had pleaded with the bears and even promised to buy them ice cream! Lord Meight just so desperately wanted the others to see how much fun the assault course could be.

During snack time in the shade of the shelter, Lord Meight asked Bill for advice.

‘I really think they’d enjoy it, if only they’d try,’ Lord Meight explained.

Bill thought for a moment as they both watched Roberta carefully shuffling along one of the balance logs before jumping off the end, returning to the beginning and doing it again. Rupert was starting and stopping the giant stopwatch, while Tilly was climbing up the pole, then sliding back down to the ground.

‘I’ve got an idea,’ Bill said thoughtfully. ‘It might just work if you…’ Bill spoke so quietly into Lord Meight’s ear that no-one could hear the idea that made Lord Meight smile with excitement.

‘That’s excellent, Roberta,’ Lord Meight said as she finished the balance log even more quickly than last time. ‘Rupert, why don’t you time Roberta using the stopwatch?’

‘That’s excellent, Roberta,’ Lord Meight said as she finished the balance log even more quickly than last time. Illustration by Mark Fenton.

The other bears came to watch and, following Lord Meight’s example, encouraged Roberta and cheered her on.

‘An excellent time!’ proclaimed Lord Meight.

‘Can you time me climbing the pole?’ asked Tilly. Rupert pressed the giant stopwatch buttons while the others clapped Tilly’s efforts.

Each bear found an activity challenge around the assault course and asked Rupert to time them, then tried their best to beat their own time!

When the bears collapsed exhausted onto the picnic benches and grass for a well-earned rest, Lord Meight smiled and looked around at them.

‘Well done for completing the assault course, everyone,’ he beamed.

‘But I didn’t do it all,’ pointed out Tino, drooping his shoulders in defeat. ‘I don’t like heights.’

‘Wait!’ cried Tilly. ‘I did the high one… Roberta did the balancing one… so we all did what we are good at. We worked as a team, had fun and did the whole course! Go Team Tino!’

Lord Meight was so proud of the bears for their achievements. And he bought them all an ice cream!

Teddy Tales: Team Tino

Can you help Tino to find his way through the maze to Lord Meight?

Teddy Tales: Teddy Mazes

Tino, Tilly, Roberta, Rupert, Lord Meight and all of Bill’s collection of 269 bears will soon be moving into a new home at Mr Simpson’s Teddy Bear Museum in Milestones Museum. Find out how we’re getting the bears ready for their move.

Tino's Tales was made by Mark Fenton, Ruth James, Caroline Johnson, Helen Sinnamon and Nick Suffolk

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Hampshire Cultural Trust

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