With Forest Arts Centre currently closed, we're thrilled to present Dave White's exhibition of acrylic paintings, The Joy of Where we Live, online on Culture on Call.
Every piece in the exhibition is for sale and available via a ‘Click and Collect’ service from Forest Arts Centre, ready to pick up once the venue is re-open. Visit the online shop here to see all pieces for sale.

A message from Dave White...
"Over the last year I guess we have all come to appreciate the place where we live, possibly even more than we ever did. Lockdown meant we were restricted to our home area, travelling was restricted to “up the road”, foreign holidays or visits afar cancelled, visits to family or occasions to celebrate or mourn, all curtailed. But for most it has meant more walking or cycling where we live, more observations of our immediate surroundings and getting to know our neighbours a little better. Maybe you only knew people before by their dog’s name when you met them whilst walking yours, but now you know the owner’s name as well!?"
"For me as an artist it meant fewer exhibitions, demonstrations or workshops and therefore fewer opportunities to make a living. But the world is a much smaller place than it ever was with the advent of Zoom, Facetime, Skype and all the other paraphernalia of modern online life. Restricted circumstances have caused a reassessment of my artistic priorities and a new direction in the use of these resources and therefore I have been sharing where I live with the world through my paintings.
I have been a full-time artist for over 16 years, 13 of which were being the artist in residence for the Rhinefield House Hotel. Consequently, my work revolved around the forest, but I also loved the sea and sky as a subject and that’s been my great relaxation. However, my bread and butter has been painting people’s pets, particularly dogs and especially at Crufts dog show where I exhibited for 11 years. All of which culminated in the opportunity to write books about what I do, in Sea and Sky in Acrylics, Painting Dog Portraits in Acrylics and Horses in Acrylics, all of which have proved as best sellers around the world and are on sale here at this exhibition."
"So, this exhibition is my chance to share the joy of where I live with those of you who also live in these New Forest surroundings. It is largely a new collection of paintings, but the sights and sounds of what I have tried to capture will be familiar to most of you. I hope the colours and the settings will bring you joy, recognition of fond memories and the inspiration to go once more. But you will notice a focus on seascapes, from Barton to Hengistbury, which is my passion and peace. The raw power and beauty of nature in creation is seen in the sea and we have the privilege of living next door to it.
Thank you."
To view all and purchase Dave's artworks, please follow the link to our online shop here.

Would you like to learn how to paint seascapes using acrylics?
Please email jasmine.taylor@hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk if you would be interested in a beginners and/or advanced workshop with Dave at Forest Arts Centre in New Milton, when the venue re-opens. Please only contact Jasmine if you are happy to receive information about these workshops.
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