Collection Arts Challenge: Participants online gallery

Throughout the last few weeks of lockdown we have been diving into the archives, as part of the online Hampshire Cultural Trust Collection Arts Challenges, to showcase unique objects that we care for across our sites and historic venues. Talented artists of all levels across the county have joined these Zoom sessions each week and have depicted these objects beautifully, so we are delighted to share their creativity in this online gallery.

If these artworks inspire you to get creative, you can join our next term of art challenges by booking your place online at Forest Arts Centre or Ashcroft Arts Centre. The challenges are free and will be taking place every Tuesday 10am - 11am, 20 April - 25 May 2021.

Winchester City Museum's Anglo-Saxon hanging pot from Oliver's Battery. c675 AD/725 AD

Willis Museum's wedding cake. Made in 1898

Milestones Museum's Gypsy caravan wheel. c1880s

Mid-Victorian, mother of pearl cardcase. c1850-1910

Silver gilt Deane Cup. c1551-1552

Curtis Museum's Anglo-Saxon men's buckle. Found in Alton in 1959-61.

Red stoneware tea pot. c1690-98.

Georgian sack-back polonaise gown and petticoat. c1770-75

Bursledon Windmill

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Our venues are safe and inclusive spaces that provide great cultural experiences at the heart of our communities and connect everyone to Hampshire’s rich heritage.We welcome over 700,000 visitors to our venues each year and also work with over 2,000 people annually who are vulnerable or who otherwi…
This article was collaboration between:
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Jasmine Taylor

Community Programme Coordinator at Forest Arts Centre in charge of Classes, Workshop and Community Outreach projects to engage and enrich the local New Milton Community.
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Amy Watson

Former Product Marketing Manager (Combined Arts) for all of Hampshire Cultural Trust's arts venues
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