This half term, Hampshire Cultural Trust arts centres are celebrating and encouraging you to get involved with Random Acts of Kindness Week!
Random Acts of Kindness Week is all about appreciating the kindness you've seen other people demonstrate and getting you thinking about how you can show kindness to others. Throughout the week, we’ll be posting three kindness themed activities for you and the kids to try at home...
🧘 Meditate as a family
Take some time to be kind to yourself by joining West End Centre tutor and artist, Barbara Touati-Evans as she guides you through two meditations; one for the day-time, focused on kindness and another relaxation meditation for night-time that you can do together at home. Suitable for families with children aged 5 years+.
Find a quiet comfortable spot to sit or lay down and let's get started...
If you want to share a picture of your family meditation sessions this week, tag West End Centre on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Random Acts of Kindness Top Pick:
The Westy team also like the idea of creating a homemade card that you could gift to someone alongside the postcard and bouquet you made earlier in the week, or you could make one for a family member, friend, or neighbour! Visit the Random Acts of Kindness website for more information.
Think about what your favourite activity or way to show kindness is?
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