Arts Open Exhibition 2022: Applications now open!

Hampshire Cultural Trust is delighted to present the Arts Open Exhibition 2022: a collaborative exhibition coordinated by Ashcroft Arts Centre in Fareham, Forest Arts Centre in New Milton and West End Centre in Aldershot.

Now in its third year, the exhibition will be a showcase of artwork in all different sizes, mediums and subjects from hobbyists, aspiring and professional artists of all ages – opening 7 November across all of our Arts Centres (see below for closing dates).

Exhibiting with your nearest HCT Arts Centre is free, but we do require all applicants to complete one of the below forms. You can either complete the form online, or if you'd prefer you can print the form for completion and submit in person at the Arts Centre.

We kindly ask that you please submit the form by 25 October 2022, but if this is not possible you may bring it with you on the day of handing in the artwork.

Please select your nearest Arts Centre:

Ashcroft Arts Centre, Fareham

Exhibition dates: 7 November – 5 January

For any Ashcroft Arts Centre enquiries, please email

Forest Arts Centre, New Milton

Exhibition dates: 7 November – 4 January

For any Forest Arts Centre enquiries, please email

West End Centre, Aldershot

Exhibition dates: 7 November – 16 December

For any West End Centre enquiries, please email

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Hampshire Cultural Trust

From museums to galleries to arts centres, we manage and support attractions across the county, welcoming over 740,000 people each year. Our charitable purpose is changing lives through culture.
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