Spotlight on…a wedding at Basing House

Over 450 years ago, England’s first queen regnant, Mary Tudor, married Philip of Spain at Winchester Cathedral. The couple honeymooned at Basing House, then the grandest private residence in England and a favourite stop on royal progresses for Tudor monarchs.

Following its destruction by Cromwell’s forces during the English Civil War, Basing House is now a very different place to the one that Mary I visited, but, with its spectacular grounds and unrivalled historical backdrop, it remains a picturesque and unique venue for brides and grooms.

Here is an insight into a very 21st century wedding, one far removed from the nuptials of Tudor times…

The decorated Tudor barn at Basing House
Attention to detail
The wedding party arrives
Cutting the cake
The Knot Garden providing a romantic backdrop
The happy couple walking the grounds

With thanks to the bride and groom and photographer, Charlotte Razzell.

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Hampshire Cultural Trust

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