A historic town tour: Alton

Welcome to the second historic town tour, this time taking us to the storied East Hampshire town of Alton. You will see here that the town's breweries and hop fields were at the centre of daily life for large parts of the 19th and 20th centuries. Also, you'll get a glimpse of how the high street used to look both from the ground and the skies!

An exterior view of Courage & Co. Brewery, Alton, 1904.
Staff with barrels outside Halls Brewery, 1888. This would later become Courage & Bass Brewery, Turk Street.
Alton Volunteer Fire Brigade outside their original fire house at Amery Street and Amery Hill, 1882.
Webbers Garage, Alton, c.1930s.
An exterior view or J.A Hayden, baker and grocer.
Three men with horse-drawn wagons loaded with hop sacks, Station Road, 1889.
An aerial view of Alton, 1930s. 
The Curtis Museum, Cottage Hospital & Mechanics Institute, c.1880.
Alton High Street, c.1890
Hop pickers at The Butts, Alton, 1880 - 1890

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Photographs | Hampshire Cultural Trust Online Collections
Photographs Our photographic collection contains topographical views of the county, its industries and inhabitants dating from the 1850’s to the present day, including representations of local photographers such as Terry Hunt of Basingstoke and William Savage of Winchester.

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Ben Murrey

Collections Assistant who looks after objects and makes them accessible to the public.
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