Stand forthright amongst historical voices of dissent at The Arc, Winchester, as WE CARRY A NEW WORLD IN OUR HEARTS, a powerful new solo exhibition of exclusive prints from artist Katherine Anteney opens to the public tomorrow (Thursday 16 February). The artist explores the words and actions of people who were once viewed as rebellious by nature. Utilising bold colours, evocative imagery and compelling messages, Anteney re-examines their messages and conveys the importance of hope.

The Great Wave © Katherine Anteney

From the toils of reform-seekers at Peterloo to the struggles of activists in Brazil, Anteney’s works bring together a diversity of movements and individuals who have strived for a better future. The lead work for the exhibition, We Carry A New World in our Hearts (2023) epitomizes the spirit in which Anteney has developed this array of inspirational prints. These words come from posthumous Spanish visionary Durruti’s rousing speeches that once drove forth dreams of hope and freedom from oppression.

We Carry A New World in Our Hearts © Katherine Anteney

From the exhibition label:

Durruti played an influential role during the Spanish Revolution in the 20th century fighting against Franco’s fascist forces. He is remembered as a hero of the anarchist movement. Associated with the Federación Anarquista Ibérica and Confederación Nacional del Trabajo groups, Durruti was a proponent of libertarian communism. During the Spanish civil war, the largest and most iconic Anarchist military unit was named the Durruti column. Durruti was killed on the Madrid front in 1936.
el Facismo © Katherine Anteney

The set of lino, woodcut and letterpress prints have been specially created by Anteney for this exhibition. Prints of all of the works in the exhibition are available to purchase.

Come and immerse yourself in the perspectives of visionaries such as Durruti, Tony Benn and Malcolm X, enlivened by the great skill of Katherine Anteney. See the words once written, uttered or performed, strikingly reimagined to inspire the hearts and minds of today.

The exhibition opens at City Space gallery at The Arc on 16 February and closes on 21 March. Click here to find out more.

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