This Local History Mystery has been created by our Schools Manager, Helen Sinnamon, as a learning resource and can be used by schools and home-schooling parents, or anyone with an interest in history.
The film is suitable for children at Key Stage 1, focusing on changes within living memory and toys in the past, and also for Key Stage 2 History, focusing on connections over time and local history.
From the First World War, through the Blitz, to the present day, the film closely examines the real experiences of one teddy bear, his owner and friends. What stories can the bear tell about the things he has seen over the last 100 years, as well as the unique collection of which he is part and how he came to live in his new home, Mr Simpson's Teddy Bear Museum at Milestones Museum?
It’s a Local History Mystery!
What stories can a teddy bear tell?
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