This Local History Mystery has been created by our Schools Manager Helen Sinnamon as a learning resource and can be used by schools and home-schooling parents, or anyone with an interest in history.
The film is suitable for children studying Key Stage 2 History, focusing on crime and punishment during the English Civil War of the 1640s and local Hampshire history with the sieges of Basing House.
On location in the ruins of Basing House, the film closely examines the evidence remaining from the battles: a head without a body, a mysterious fire and vanishing graffiti. What do these battle scars reveal about the crimes and punishments being carried out here in the 17th century?
Can you solve the Local History Mystery?
English Civil War: callous crimes and appalling punishments
(It was a bit windy on location at Basing House! If you require subtitles for the film please click the CC button on the bottom right of the video.)
Look out for the next Local History Mystery coming soon!
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