Virtual VE Day 75

Commemorating VE Day 75 in Hampshire

Hampshire Cultural Trust’s Culture on Call is here to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe  

Victory in Europe took place 75 years ago. At 3pm on 8 May 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced during a BBC Radio broadcast that war in Europe had finally come to an end following the unconditional surrender of the German forces on the previous day. To mark this momentous event in British history, Hampshire Cultural Trust is hosting a whole range of VE Day themed activities, resources and exhibitions throughout the week on Culture on Call.

From the emotive, real-life testimonies of Hampshire residents who experienced World War II and VE Day first hand, to a VE Day street party gallery, Home Front Stories exhibition, VE Day themed activities and more, these virtual VE Day commemorations have been put together by the Hampshire Cultural Trust team, who have been working remotely across the county to mark VE Day 75 while our venues are in lockdown.

Keep an eye on Culture on Call and our social channels over the next week to stay updated with virtual VE Day 75 commemorations across Hampshire Cultural Trust.

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This article was written by:
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Hannah Coombes

Communications Officer at Hampshire Cultural Trust.
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