Enjoy the second of our weekly tales about Tino the teddy bear and his friends. This week, find out how Dr Ruth helps Tino with her X-ray machine, then try our fun Teddy Doctor activity sheet!
Inside and Outside
The bears loved dressing up. Tino liked his flower medallion the best. When he wore this around his neck he felt like the best-dressed bear in Hampshire!
As Tino proudly strode around the playroom, admiring the way the April sunlight gleamed from his medallion, he heard Tilly, Rupert and Roberta arguing over the dressing-up box.
‘But I saw them first!’ cried Roberta.
‘They match my outfit better than yours,’ claimed Tilly.
‘You can’t both have the earrings, why don’t you share?’ Rupert suggested to calm them down.
Tino rushed across to help, his flower medallion swinging from his neck. He was too late – Roberta tried to grab the earrings from Tilly, Tilly let go and one pink and purple plastic earring flew through the air towards Tino – who accidentally swallowed it.
The bears froze in shock.
Tilly was the first to move, hurrying towards Tino, ‘Are you alright?’.
‘My tummy hurts,’ moaned Tino, pushing his flower medallion to one side and rubbing his stomach.
‘I’ll get Bill,’ Roberta hurried from the room to fetch help.
The bears told Bill what had happened and Bill knew what to do – he always did!
‘I’m going to take you to the doctor, Tino,’ said Bill. ‘She’ll be able to help.’
Bill and Tino arrived at Doctor Ruth’s surgery after a short drive.
‘What can I do for you today?’ asked Doctor Ruth with a friendly smile.
‘I swallowed a pink and purple plastic earring,’ explained Tino. ‘By accident. And now my tummy hurts.’
‘I see, well, we had better give you an X-ray to take a photo of your insides to see where the earring is,’ said Doctor Ruth. ‘But I’m afraid that you will need to take off your flower medallion first as the X-ray machine won’t be able to see through that!’
Tino gave his medallion to Bill and jumped onto the bed. Doctor Ruth showed him how the bed moved up and down and let Tino use the controls! He didn’t feel a thing as the X-ray machine photographed his tummy.
‘Look everyone, a photograph of my insides! Can you see the earring in my tummy there?’ Tino showed his X-ray picture to the other bears when he arrived home. ‘Doctor Ruth said I’m fine, I just have to wait for the earring to… well, come out the other end!’
‘Ew!’ chorused the bears, and screwed up their noses! Tino put his flower medallion back on, feeling as good on the inside as his flower medallion made him feel on the outside. All thanks to Doctor Ruth and her wonderful X-ray machine!
Teddy Doctor
Doctor Teddy’s stethoscope has got tangled up! Can you follow the line to find out who the right patient is?
Tino, Tilly, Roberta and all of Bill’s collection of 269 bears will soon be moving into a new home at Mr Simpson’s Teddy Bear Museum in Milestones Museum. Find out how we’re getting the bears ready for their move.
Tino's Tales was made by Mark Fenton, Ruth James, Caroline Johnson, Helen Sinnamon and Nick Suffolk
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