Men's Shed: Fix It, Make It...Kitchen Clock!

Forest Arts Centre in partnership with the New Milton Men’s Shed have created DIY packs for isolated men and families to do at home. Using this pack, you can create a clock suitable for any size kitchen...

Kitchen Clock: level two = ideal for ages 10+

In this pack:

  • Clock mechanism
  • Clock design
  • Slate
  • Chalk
  • Numbers
  • Battery
  • Screws
  • Two pieces of wood (top and bottom)
  • Clock face downloadable here
  • Step-by-step clock hands instructions here
  • Decoration ideas here

Additional tools required (not included):

  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Masking tape


Practice social distancing guidelines if you need someone to help you. Make sure you have enough room to create your hedgehog house. Be careful when handing the materials, wear gloves to avoid splinters and keep small items out of reach from children. Do not use power tools without a responsible adult present. Be aware of cables if using power tools. Forest Arts Centre and New Milton Men’s Shed cannot accept responsibility for any injuries, loss or damage that may be caused when following the instructions. It is your responsibility to look after your own safety and be sensible when creating. Take part at your own risk.

This project is funded by Hampshire County Council.

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