Need some inspiration to entertain the kids this February half term? Then why not join the Reaching Out! project for a free Arts Award Discover at Home.
This half term the Reaching Out! project launches Arts Award Discover at Home. This exciting new programme of arts activities can be completed at home with support from experts from the Reaching Out! partner museums – including a professional theatre costume designer.
What is Arts Award?
Arts Award is to the arts as the Duke of Edinburgh Award is to the outdoors – a range of recognised arts qualifications for young people aged 5 to 25, from entry level Discover to Gold level. It is administered by Trinity College London on behalf of Arts Council England.
Arts Award Discover encourages learners to develop a basic understanding of a range of art forms, to commit to taking part in arts activities and to develop a basic understanding of artistic communication. Learners create a personal arts log (portfolio) containing evidence of their experiences.
What will we do?
1) Simply sign up here by 8 February 2021. You will need to enter a postal address to receive your art resource pack, and a name(s) and postal address for your Arts Award Discover certificate(s).
2) We will post you a resource pack for each child, including:
· Welcome information and instructions
· Arts Award Discover log book
· Art resources
· Exclusive online access to the series of expert films released on 12 February 2021
3) Watch the films and try out the arts activities. Record your Arts Award Discover journey in your log book.
4) Share with us the evidence of your Arts Award Discover journey through pictures or film of your artwork and log book by 13 March 2021
5) If your submission meets the Arts Award Discover criteria, you will receive an official Arts Award Discover pass certificate!
What are the activities?
Make and use a spotter wheel to discover the arts with Milestones Museum; design your own explorer outfit, like those of the Antarctic explorers, with Gilbert White and the Oates Collections; find out about the work of a theatre costume designer as they talk about and show you their work; create a symbolic colourful medal ribbon with Winchester’s Military Museums.
Suitable for ages 5 to 11, parental supervision required
Book now by 8 February 2021

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